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Must-know tips for Beginner Runners

Updated: Aug 2, 2022

Okay, you've decided to start running - great job! Running is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health, strengthen your bones and muscles, enhance your mood, and boost your energy and metabolism. Here are a few tips that will help you be successful on your running journey!

It's okay to take breaks.

Learning to run is challenging. Remember that not only is it okay to take walk breaks, most learn to run programs recommend them. There are many free Learn to Run programs you can find from a simple internet search. If you're looking to join an in-person, group learn to run program in the Charlottetown area click here.

Don't give up.

You've committed to a program and entered it in your calendar. You know when and where you're going to run. No matter how much planning you do though, it's likely that at some point you will miss a day. And that's okay. Life happens. Don't give up. Lace up those sneakers and get going. You got this.

Warm up & cool down.

A proper warm up before you go for your run, as well as a proper cool down and stretch afterwards is essential to prevent injury and to make sure your body is ready to stay on track.

Don't compare yourself to others.

Have you ever heard that quote, "Comparison is the thief of joy"? Well now you have. It's true and you can apply it to almost any situation. In this situation - there will always be someone that is a better runner than you, and you will always be a better runner than someone else. Focus on you, your progress, your goals, and your successes. Who else are you doing this for anyway?!

You won't always feel like running.

Hello human! There will absolutely be days that you don't feel like going for a run. If you're injured, that's another story, but if you're just feeling a little slugglish, lace up the sneaks my friend. The exercise and social interaction will get those feel-good hormones flowing and the good vibes pumping. You will feel better both physically and mentally if you just do it.

You don't have to run fast.

You do you boo. Unless there is something chasing you, what's the rush? Focus on your distance first. With consistent practice, your cardio will start to improve and so will your time.

Plan & Commit

Set yourself up for success and plan your run schedule. Put it in your daily planner/schedule, find a run buddy, or join a run group to help keep you committed. Make sure your gear is ready to go, and make a checklist of the things you need for your run.

Rest Days

It can be exciting when you start to see your gains when you're starting a something new, but it's so important to remember that rest days are essential to your success. Your body needs time to rest and heal. Honor your rest days and take the time to do a little extra deep stretching.

Learning to run can be incredibly intimidating, but remember that you are in control. Follow these tips to help find success in your running journey. I know you can do this, you just have to start!

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